Are we there yet?
We haven’t achieved FIRE as you could guess from the title; at least not where we currently live. If you’re unfamiliar with FIRE there are plenty of good sources of detailed information on that topic. I will only provide some very basic info to set the stage. To put it simply, if you save and invest 25 times your annual expenses, you can live off those investments for 30+ years. It’s best to think of your progress toward fire as units of fire, where you need to accumulate 25 fire units (FUs) to hit financial independence. In our current location which is a medium-high cost of living city in Colorado, we have 22 FUs. That’s probably not going to get the job done if we attempt FIRE living our current life.
Despite where we are (or anyone is) on the fire completion meter, there are levers to pull that can move you dramatically forward or backward in progress. Spending more money by increasing your lifestyle will move you backwards. Cutting costs in your budget will move you forward. My family of four has been tuning our budget for years. Working to get to the optimal spending that is low but feels like nothing is missing from our lives. If we wanted to reduce our budget further we could to get to the necessary 25 FUs, but it’s not how we want to live month after month.
Fast forwarding FIRE
The lever which we are going to pull is a dramatic one. However, it isn’t totally (or even mostly) with FIRE purposes in mind. We have decided to forge ahead and quit our jobs, take the kids out of school, and travel internationally for a year. On the surface that would seem like pushing a red danger button encased in glass rather than pulling a favorable lever, but this actually crosses us over 25 FUs when the whole picture is considered.
On the expenses side of things, traveling internationally will be 41% more expensive than our normal life. However, it’s the income side of things that saves this scenario. We will be renting out our paid off house which will put to work the money trapped in our home equity in a different way. In our day to day life that equity acts as a subsidy that reduces our expenses. However while traveling it will produce real income. To put this in terms of FUs, our investments will only cover 16.5 units while traveling. Rental income on the other hand produces another 9.4 units, taking us to almost 26 units.
Avoiding FIRE Failure
We will have plenty of opportunity to make this plan cheaper if necessary. Current plans include a mix of expensive (e.g. Tokyo) and low cost (e.g. Cape Town) locations. Simply by spending more time in lower cost areas we could keep our FUs afloat. This margin for error to stay above 25 FUs (aka 4% withdrawal rate) should allow us to continue this international adventure indefinitely if we choose.
The reality is we only plan to do this plan for one year though. That may present a different problem in that we could return to find that we are still at 22 FUs or less in our normal life. What do we do then? Do we cut costs? Do we go back to work? We’ll worry about that when the time comes. If we try to solve that now we are just planning around the unknown.
Ultimately An Experiment
Will this plan work in reality? I don’t know, I think so. We have spent countless hours calculating costs. Including all possible expenses we can think of to do this in a safe and sustainable way. There really aren’t any guarantees though as some factors such as market crashes, bad renters, and health emergencies are out of our hands. If we wait for a perfect situation this will probably never happen, and it sure sounds like a fun adventure to break up the day-to-day monotony.
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